Sébastien Lemaire

Head and Founder of the WWASO Center

  • Centre:WWASO – EN

Sébastien Lemaire

Head and Founder of the WWASO Center

Driven by a passion for all things human, Dr. Sébastien Lemaire naturally choses to specialize in General Medicine. Graduating from the Catholic University of Louvain in 2003, he began his career in Martinique where he contributed to the development of Palliative Care. He returned to Belgium in 2006 to work at the Bordet Institute (Brussels) and then started his consultations in Louvain-La-Neuve in 2007 at the Maison Médicale du Biéreau. In 2014, he founded the WWASO Medical Center.
Dr. Lemaire holds a University Diploma in Palliative Care and is an Instructor in Mindfulness.